Emotional Intelligence: Another Key Factor To Success

People with high IQ are always predicted to become successful in life. However, there are a lot of intelligent individuals whose lives are getting wasted due to emotional problems and destructive behaviors. Experts agree that the missing part in the success equation is emotional intelligence.

Everybody wants to be successful in life. But what is success? How do you go about being successful? Is success only for people who have high IQ? How come there are intelligent people who are not successful in life? How do you measure success?

To be able to define success can be the first step in becoming successful. Someone has said that "success is the completion of anything intended." Meaning to say, whatever it is you have planned or intended to do, you've got to finish or bring into completion. That is success.
If you plan to rob a bank and pulled-off the heist, does that make you a successful person? In this case, success should always be related to all things positive. Having this as a yardstick for assessing our lives enable us to say at the end of the day if we have failed or succeeded.

Aside from academic excellence, researchers believe that certain aspects of intelligence, such as logical reasoning, math skills, verbal abilities, and analytical understanding can predict to a significant degree professional and personal success of an individual. However, why is it that some of those with excellent levels of IQ are not doing successfully in life? A lot of people with so much promise and potential fall into anxiety and depression, and sometimes even end up in suicide? Something could be going wrong in the way they think and behave which hindered their chances to succeed.

According to Daniel Goleman, well-known psychologist and author of the book “Emotional Intelligence”, one of the major missing parts in the success equation is emotional intelligence. This concept is based on years of research by numerous scientists, such as Peter Salovey, John Meyer, Howard Gardner, Robert Sternberg, and Jack Block, just to name a few. They all agree that people with high emotional intelligence (EI) tend to be more successful in life than those with lower EI even if their classical IQ is average.

Scientific articles published during '90s highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence, the human mental ability to validly reason with emotions and to use these emotions in enhancing thought patterns. It includes the abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

Emotional intelligence improves an individual's social effectiveness.

The higher the emotional intelligence, the better the social relations. Emotionally intelligent people can better perceive emotions, use them in thought, understand their meanings, and manage emotions, than others. These people are often the ones we consider to provide a shoulder to cry on. They do not only solve their own emotional problems, but they help others deal with it as well. They require less cognitive effort in solving emotional problems. They tend to be more open and agreeable than others, and are drawn to occupations involving social interactions, such as teaching and counseling, than jobs involving clerical or administrative duties.

People with high EI are less likely to develop emotional disorders, such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. They have the ability to avoid self-destructive and negative behaviors, such as smoking, excessive drinking, drug abuse, or violent episodes with others. They are more likely to have possessions of sentimental attachment around the home and to have more positive social interactions.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to discern and understand emotional information which is all around us. People communicate basic emotions from one individual to another. But only those with high EI can really appreciate and understand the more subtle messages of these emotions.
Emotional intelligence is crucial to help us through our emotionally demanding days. If we are not emotionally intelligent, we need people who have higher EI to rely on and guide us in processing emotional information. Emotional intelligence enables our thinking and behavior to become more focus in achieving our goals and to take hold of the success in life we are dreaming of.

Are You A Computer Potato?

Working at the computer for hours a day leads to just as big a rear-end spread as sitting on the couch all day watching television. But you’ve got work to do! How can you avoid the poor fitness that comes with a sit down job? 

First, the wisest thing you can do is to schedule breaks every fifteen to twenty minutes. Walk around and do something different for a few minutes. People tend to think that the interruption of thought will hinder their work. On the contrary, folks who actually take these breaks insist that they have twice as much energy and get nearly quadruple the amount of work done each day. 

Why? The brain refreshes, sort of like your webpage does. When you come back to a task after a break, you’re more refreshed and ready to tackle your current project. If you have a laptop, that’s even better. Take it to a different room every hour and a half. Watch how your overall energy increases as you change scenery once in a while! 

During the wait time on your computer – there’s so much of this – you can do a few stretches. While your page is loading, try these neck exercises to reduce strain and stress in this area. 

Slowly, turn your head to the right as far as you can. Hold this position for fifteen seconds. Then repeat for the left side. When you get up for a break, stop at the door frame of your office. Hold your arms in the “hold up” position – as if Jesse James were robbing you and you had your hands in the air (bent at the elbows). Then place the inside of your arms and your palms on each side of the door frame and lean in slowly. Hold the stretch for twenty seconds. 

These little stretches can literally save you much stress. Many computer workers end up with a stiff neck or arm and hand pain. Taking frequent breaks and getting in the habit of stretching when you have downtime can lessen the possibility for problems in the future.

Do You Know How Cash Back Credit Cards Work?

The popularity of cash back credit cards hasn't waned over the years. In fact, today, more and more people still prefer a cash back credit card over other reward credit cards programs. Do you own a cash back card yourself? Or are you still thinking about applying your own cash back card? Whether you already have a cash back card or is still planning on getting one, this article would surely be useful for you. Let's discuss more closely how these reward credit cards work.

How Cash Back Credit Cards Reward Holders

Although specific terms and conditions vary between each credit card issuer, the procedure on earning the cash rewards is pretty much the same. Generally, a card holder earns a corresponding point for every dollar he spent using his credit card. Some credit card issuers give 2 points or double points for every dollar but in most cases, 1 point is given for each dollar amount charged on the card. The points are converted to cash or money points, thus their name- cash back credit cards.

What can you do with the cash points you earn? You can use these cash points to make new purchases or pay bills using your credit card. Some credit cards would require the holder to spend his reward from a specific shop while others give the flexibility to use your cash rewards from any store you want.Discover® Gas CardSome cash back cards impose a maximum amount of cash points that the card holder can earn. After reaching this limit, the card holder may stop qualifying for more points. The best cash back credit cards however do not impose restrictions on the amount of rewards you can earn. As long as you're using credit card on your payments, you continuously earn points on your account. You can earn as much cash as you want as long as you're an active member of the reward program.

Competition among credit cards

Cash back credit card companies are all competing for attention and in order to get more clients, these companies promise only the best. Or course, not everyone deserves your trust. For this reason, caution is advised for everyone who plans on applying for a reward credit card.

Most reward credit cards are accompanied with unreasonably high interest rates but if you do your research, you can find one that offers a good deal. When it comes to annual fees, you can now find cash back reward cards that do not have annual fees. If the cash back card you choose requires an annual fee, you'll want to make sure that the cost does not outweigh your potential to earn rewards. If you'll be paying for an expensive annual fee each year, then can you still say that you are being rewarded? Or would you end up paying more than what you get back?

Lastly, cash back credit cards will only work if you keep up with your payments religiously. Never carry over your balance for the next billing cycle if you don't want to suffer paying for an expensive interest rate. Make it a point to pay off your balance in full each month so make sure that you will be rewarded.

Boost Your Self-Esteem and Believe You Can!

The strongest single factor in prosperity consciousness is self-esteem: believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it.
- Jerry Gillies

Self-esteem refers to how you think and feel about yourself. These are thoughts and feelings a person may have, may it be positive, negative, or mixed --- about one's self. The more positive these thoughts and feelings are, the higher your self-esteem will be and conversely the more negative these thoughts and feelings are, the lower your self-esteem will become. 

Feeling good about yourself is important as it gives you a sense of control over your life. It can also help make a person feel satisfied in a relationship.  With a positive self-identity, a person is able to set   realistic expectations for oneself and pursue goals. Having a negative self-perception, on the other hand, results in a distorted view of one's self, which leads to further lack of self-confidence, poor performance, and depression.

In recent times, low self-esteem has been one of the most popular and frequently invoked psychological explanations for behavioral and social problems. Taking their cue from social commentators and media opinion leaders, people have been willing to accept that a limited sense of self-worth lies behind just about every social and personal ill from drug abuse and delinquency to poverty and business failures. The result has been a huge market for self-help manuals and educational programs.

People who have a low self esteem rely heavily on their day-to-day performances. The positive external experience and encouragements help them to battle the negative feelings that they have about themselves. These negative feelings very often trouble the people with low self-esteem. In some situations, feelings of inadequacy torture those who do not have enough confidence about themselves and about what they can do.

There are many known ways to improve one's self-esteem.   To boost one's confidence, it may be helpful to practice the following self-improvement techniques and strategies:

Rebutting the inner critic that keeps on sending self-defeating messages; 

Practicing the art of self nurturing; and 

Getting much-needed help and support from people who are close to you.

The first and the most important step to increase self esteem is to tell the inner voice to shut up. The inner voice might say negatively about you. In such a situation you must praise yourself. Rebutting the inner voice that keeps on criticizing you should be done on a regular basis. However this step is not enough to develop self-esteem. 

The second step that one must initiate on a way to a healthy self-esteem is that a person should nurture himself. The most important part of this step is start treating yourself as a person who is worth while.

Seek out people who make you feel good. Remember that you get to choose your friends so why not choose people who think you're great? 

Moreover, both individual and group counseling can help improve self-esteem. Such therapy might include assertiveness training, communication skills, and learning to recognize and understand own emotional responses in relation to others. Therapy may also explore early and later experiences that contributed to your low self-esteem. Group therapy is particularly effective that it helps to foster trust and build relationships, and encourages a sense of belonging-components that are important for building self esteem.   

Low and poor self-esteem is often the result of bad or a wrong treatment that was experienced in the past. Hence you must start regarding yourself as a worthy person. You must be able to challenge negative experiences in the past and you should start loving yourself. Try to change yourself and show to the outside world that you are valuable, competent, and a loveable person. Learn to develop high self-esteem and believe you can do it, you deserve it, and you will get it.

All Successful People Do This...And You Too Can Do It

Did you know that by applying a simple strategy you can become successful beyond your imagination?!

Success is not dedicated for a certain category of lucky talented people and hence anyone can become similar to those success gurus.

Success doesn’t depend on your environment, circumstances, level of education, financial situation,...etc.

All successful people faced a lot of negative circumstances and failures before they achieve what they want. They were poor, with little or no education, and were brought up under tough circumstances.

But they all followed the same strategy, to change their circumstances and reach their dreams.

You must follow this simple strategy, if you want to achieve your goals and become successful.

Here is the ultimate success strategy:

"Apply the Principles of Success"

Simple, right?!!!

But always remember: “The true power lies under the real simplicity".

This powerful strategy guarantees your success because principles are the same and always work.

Success principles are the same no matter where you live or when you live.

Success principles always work because they are proven facts used by all successful people to achieve their goals.

Success leaves clues. And these clues are timeless success principles.

Principles will work for you as well but this depends on a single condition.

This condition is: "Principles always work if you work the principles"

You must apply these principles and put them in action.

Action makes all the difference.

Successful people believe in principles and so they persist until they see the results.

Apply success principles and they will always work. Since they worked with all who applied them, they will work with you too.

But remember you must work the principles yourself. Don't wait for somebody else to apply the principles for you.

You must apply the principles by yourself. Don't wait for somebody to give you permission to become successful.

Analyze your situation and see how this principle can work for you. Do it yourself.

You must lead your life.

And never surrender.

Keep practicing the principle until it works.

It takes time to master success principles. Like when you start driving your car, it took time to be a good driver.

It needs practice until you get positive results.

And here comes the benefit of having a mentor in your life. He can guide you through your journey and support you in every step. And, he can teach you these principles and how to master them.

Read success books and you will gain life time experience from the expert authors.

Attend success and personal development seminars and courses to get close to success mentors and learn from their experience.

Success Principles always work if you work them. Keep practicing the principles until you master them.

You too can become successful with the same principles used by all successful people in the world.

Start living the life of your dreams.

My friend you can make a difference.

I believe in you.