Increases in the price of gas, accompany the increase in the number of fuel-saving scams.
Continuous increase in the price of gas is common news nowadays. This is accompanied by an upsurge in advertising exposures for “gas saving” gadgets. These products attract potential buyers searching for methods to maximize fuel efficiency.
There are important procedures car owners can take in consideration to improve gas mileage. According to the Better Business Bureau, the public should be critical in assessing products that claim gas saving features for vehicle devices or additives for gas and oil.
There are products that feature gas-saving features that really work. In addition to that, consumers could be facing a major engine trouble or a nullified creator’s warranty by putting devices to the engine.
Consumers should be wary of these specific advertising slogans: “20 percent fuel efficiency improvement”
A hundred or more devices that feature gas-saving qualities are proven untrue by the Environmental Protection Agency. Worse, there are so-called “gas-saving” devices that may cause a harmful effect to a vehicle’s engine.
Another side effect is more smoke emissions. Examples of these devices are Engine Modifiers, Additives, Fuel Line Gadgets, Liquid Injection, Vapor and Air Release Devices and a lot more.
“Get an additional 4 miles for each gallon with this product”
Consumer testimonials are common in fuel saving ads. Assuming these testimonials are not made up, few consumers test the fuel consumption of their vehicle before putting on the gadget. Therefore, an objective comparison of the fuel consumption before and after the product was added will not be attained.
“Federal Government Approved”
Keep in mind, a government agency never endorses fuel saving devices. Although EPA has assessed potential gas savings but first the product should be evaluated and tested.
The alternative in looking for gas-saving devices, the BBB suggests that the public should take into consideration doing more than one activity that can help conserve gas. The vital way to begin is to concentrate on the gas pump. The consumer should buy only gas as needed. Make sure to review the car manual to know the proper level of octane of the car.
The following are practical tips to conserve gas:
Efficient driving
Just drive reasonably within the speed limit. Remember that speeds of more than 60 miles per hour increase fuel consumption.
Do not do sudden starts, accelerations and stops. Acceleration should be done gradually. The gas pedal should not be stepped on more than one fourth of the way down. This will allow the engine to function most efficiently. Gas conservation could reach up to 5 percent if sudden stops, jerks and accelerations are avoided.
Make use of gears for overdrive and cruise control as needed. Fuel efficiency is attained when moving on the highway.
Windows should be closed on highways. Windows that are open can create air drag that can decrease the fuel consumption by 10%.
Rough roads should not be taken as much as possible. Dirt, bumps, rough roads and gravels can cause 30% increase in fuel consumption.
Take out unnecessary baggage. The trunk should be kept clean, any gadget, tools or loads that are not needed should be taken out. 100 pounds of extra baggage can affect fuel economy by two percent.
The car should always be maintained. The engine should be given a regular tune up, the tires should always have the right air pressure and efficiently aligned, the oil should be changed when needed and air filters replaced regularly. Clogged filters can affect gas consumption adversely by up to ten percent.
Turn off the engine whenever there is an opportunity. Idle engine wastes fuel. There are instances where the engine could be turned off; stopping for gas, waiting for someone, changing tire pressure, caught in traffic and a lot more.
Engine warm-up fuel conservation tips:
Lengthy warming up of the engine should be avoided. 30 to 45 seconds should be enough time.
Check if the automatic check is removed after warming up the engine. This is usually stuck which could usually cause poor gas and air combination.
Do not rev the engine. This is usually done before turning off the engine. This causes unnecessary fuel loss and also washes the oil within the cylinder walls. As an effect, there is air pressure loss and consequently fuel loss as well.